Although this information has been carefully compiled, there remains a possibility that the following information may become outdated or inaccurate over time. Always refer to local guidelines and regulations in order to most safely handle this product.
ExoticWhip – Help & Safety
Please read carefully before using Exotic Whip cream chargers
Safety & Information
The ExoticWhip cylinder has been designed in compliance with DOT-39/ EN and ISO standards. Considering this canister holds liquid or high pressure gas, it should be handled with caution. Please read this Help & Safety Information page throughly before using ExoticWhip products in order to ensure you are familiar with all the products features, operating instructions, and guidelines for use.
Handling & Transportation
ExoticWhip cylinders should always remain in the upright position, including during transportation and use. Never place a canister on its side or upside-down.
NEVER drag an ExoticWhip cylinder on the ground, instead carry or tow the cylinder safely in its upright position.
While transporting ExoticWhip cylinders always adhere to the local guidelines and regulations for hazardous goods, in which nitrous oxide (N2O) is listed.

Warnings before use…
- May cause or intensify fire
- Contains gas under pressure; may explode if exposed to heat
- May cause drowsiness or dizziness
- May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation
- Keep away from clothing and other combustible materials
- Keep valves and fittings free from oil grease
- In the case of fire: stop leak if safe to do so
- Store in a well ventilated place
- Protect from sunlight
IF INHALED: Immediately escort the inflicted to fresh air to await medical attention.
IF IN CONTACT WITH SKIN: Thaw frosted areas of skin gently with lukewarm water, no not rub. Seek immediate medical attention.
Federal law prohibits transportation of a refilled gas cylinder. Penalties up to $500,000 fine and 5 years imprisonment (49 U.S.C. 5124).
Supplemental Information
The ExoticWhip cylinder is a pressurized container. Protect from sunlight and do not expose to temperatures exceeding 120 F. Segregate from other flammable gasses and materials. Do not puncture or burn the cylinder, even once empty. Do not inhale. Can cause asphyxiation in high concentrations; may displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation. Contact with liquids may cause cold burns and frostbite. Keep out of reach of children.
Instructions for use
- Place cylinder upright on a flat and stable surface
- Remove protection cap from the valve
- Connect the regulator to the discharge valve (do not turn regulator knob yet). See below for further directions on correct regulator use.
- Securely connect the screwing mechanism of the accompanied connection hose to the regulator
- Connect the associated adaptor to the siren
- Secure the connection hose to the adaptor via the click-on system, ensuring it is securely connected
- Turn the regulator knob clockwise to set desired delivery pressure or flow
- Once desired filling capacity is reached, turn the regular knob counter clockwise before disconnecting the siphon from the hose
- When the cylinder is empty, ensure all residual gas is released before disposing. Do this by screwing on the nozzle until gas flow starts and wait until no more gas comes out before unscrewing. Always dispose of your cylinder in accordance with local guidelines and regulations
Pressure Regulators
ExoticWhip gas and pressure specific regulators should ONLY be used in order to guarantee performance.
Fitting the Pressure Regulator
Pressure regulators are designed for use with specific gasses or groups of gasses and must only be fitted to their respective cylinders. Always…
- Ensure the regulator is in good condition before fitting it to the cylinder. Gauges should be intact with threads and seats undamaged.
- Clean the cylinder valve and regular threads using a dry, clean piece of cloth to remove dirt, moisture, oil and grease particles.
- Turn the regulator knob counterclockwise until it stops.
- Carefully place the nut over the threads, ensuring that you do not cross thread, and tighten with the appropriate spanner.
- DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN as this will damage your regulator.
- Turn the regulator knob clockwise to set desired delivery pressure.
NEVER leave the regulator attached to the ExoticWhip cylinder when it is not in use. Always ensure to remove the regulator promptly after each use for safety and proper handling.
Never dismantle or modify a regulator to make it fit.
Never use adaptors between the cylinder valve and regulator to make it fit.
Never use oil or lubricants on the cylinder valve or regulator threads as they can trap dirt and make the regulator leak or difficult to fit.
Do not use excessive force to seal the cylinder valve and regulator. If the cylinder moves within its outer jacket, this can be an indication that excessive force was used.

Removing the Pressure Regulator
- Close the regulator valve by turning it counterclockwise until it stops
- Release all gas from the system until the gauge(s) read zero
- Loosen the regulator using the appropriate spanner and then remove the regulator. Store the regulator in its box in a clean, dry environment
Daily cylinder use
ExoticWhip cylinders are designed for either continuous or intermittent use. At the end of any period of use or when leaving the cylinder unattended, close the regular valve by turning the wheel clockwise and make sure to remove the regulator promptly after each use.
Children and ExoticWhip cylinder
Children should NEVER allowed to operate or left unattended with an ExoticWhip cylinder.
Can I use other type/brand regulators on the ExoticWhip cylinder?
We advise you to only use the regulator provided by ExoticWhip as these have been tested to work safely and seamlessly with our product. Other types of regulators may cause damage to the cylinder or person operating the cylinder.
How and where should I dispose of the cylinder once empty?
Once the cylinder is empty, use its accompanied nozzle to completely empty the cylinder of residual gas prior to disposal. Screw on the nozzle until gas flow starts and wait until no more gas comes out before unscrewing. Always dispose of your cylinder in accordance with local guidelines and regulations.